So please complete the application form properly with complete and accurate information. Therefore, Information about roll number slip/test date/test center will be provided through SMS, website. Submission of the application form by hand is not allowed. In addition, send a copy of CNIC, your local / domicile certificate, and original bank deposit slip (copy of NTPA) to PHA Flats, F13, Street 97, Block E-12, G11 / 3 Islamabad. Please send the complete application form. You can the downloaded application form from the NTPA website or Download Here. How to apply for the NTA Scholarship 2021 Students enrolled in public, or private colleges and universities can apply for the following programs. National Talent Olympiad Scholarship Qualification Standards 2021
English 20% Mathematics 20% Islamic Studies 20% General Knowledge 20% IQ 20% Total 100.3 How to apply for the NTA Scholarship 2021 Test Pattern for National Talent Olympiad 2021